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    • Farming in Thailand
      We have a small (54 rai) farm adjacent to Erawan shrine at the border of NBLP and Loei provinces. It is mostly orchards, e.g., Tamarinds, Kefir, Rubber, and Maoberry but last year we started dairy farming with an initial small seed herd of 25 Heifers with a business plan to build it up to 100 milkers within 5 years.

      One year into the BP we are at 30 milkers with another 8 coming of age in a few months and a total including calves of 45 with new ones arriving every month ... including the baby bull in brown and white in one of the pictures below. Any way, a few shots from this morning after some early hours helping momma deliver the new guy. Momma has some "splaining" to do ... she's one of the black & whites being chased in another photo and the little guy is brown and white like a longhorn ... maybe momma is getting some strange on the side.

      My mate Ziva ... a 5-month old Labrador.

      Some of the bovines including new mom and brown-colored stranger
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    • What Are You Doing Right Now?
      I'm sat on my balcony tpying away watch my girl wrap her head in cling film..... god knows why....
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